Akorn Kake Pops


Oak-ay, you’ve got to try these Akorn Kake Pops! They’re easy to create and a perfect treat for the fall season. Roll up those sleeves and make them with the whole family!


Prep Time: 60 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Serves: 6




Follow these steps:

  1. Cut 6 Glazed Honey Buns into small pieces.

  2. Place pieces in a bowl and mash with your hands until fully combined.

  3. Form the mixture into equal-sized balls and place them in the freezer for 15 minutes.

  4. Then, make frosting by whisking together powdered sugar and whole milk in a bowl.

  5. Use a wooden skewer to dip the kake pops into the frosting until fully coated. Allow the excess to drip off before placing them on a plate.

  6. Refrigerate the kake pops for 15 minutes.

  7. Heat chocolate candy melts according to package directions.

  8. Dip only the tops of the kake pops into the melted chocolate.

  9. Cover the melted chocolate portion with sprinkles and place a small pretzel piece into the top to create a stem.

  10. Refrigerate the kake pops for 15 minutes.

  11. Remove your Akorn Kake Pops and enjoy!


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